To many people think politics is boring, yet nothing gets their attention like finding out how much money a candidate will be worth to them. Can you say “economic stimulus”? If that’s to esoteric how about “tax refund”? Or perhaps finding out who agrees (or disagrees) with them is more important. So in the spirit of self-interest take a look at these sites! The first one, called Politify, claims that it can predict both Barak Obama’s and Mitt Romney’s policies effect on your income based on your wages, zip code and a few other items. This claim should be taken with a huge pinch of salt, but it is still interesting. Politics, tax policy and individual circumstance combine to make this kind of prediction really complicated so, as they say, your milage may vary. Still . . .
The second site is more about ego then money, it’s called and it is just what it sounds like. Who doesn’t like to know that a major public figure agrees with them? Actually I really like this site because it includes many lesser known candidates. How is a minor candidate ever going to get support if you don’t know what they stand for?
So go take a look. If these sites entertain you let your friends know, get them involved!